Friday, May 04, 2007

Geek Monthly Magazine

This month I was interviewed by Bonnie Burton for Geek Monthly magazine. Go buy it! I'm reading through the rest of the magazine now and it's definitely worth checking out.

It's funny, in the interview I mention how cool it would be for someone to do a viking version of Star Wars, so afterwards I went to see if someone actually had done Viking Star Wars. Turns out that not only had someone made a Viking Lightsaber, but it was the same guy who made the Steampunk Lightsaber that originally inspired my Steampunk Star Wars art! Guy keeps stealing my ideas before I have them!

UPDATE: I forgot to mention, my art was also used in the latest issue of SFX magazine. I haven't seen it, but apparently it's on page 24. If you're in the UK, pick it up!


@GregPycroft said...

Your steampunk Darth Vader has also made it into SFX - a UK-based sci fi magazine. I don't know whether anyone else mentioned it? If you can get hold of a copy via import or the net you'll find it on page 24.

Deranged said...

Long time fan, first time poster... Would you mind putting up the link to the Viking Lightsabre. My feeble attempts to find it have gotten me no where. Thanks, and keep up the awesome art.

Eric Poulton said...

I added the link, deranged. I had some trouble finding it again myself, but I eventually tracked it down.

bonniegrrl said...
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Bonnie said...

thanks again for doing the interview! I had a blast chatting with you about your art for GEEK!