Monday, June 04, 2007

Update, Excuses, Etc

Hey guys!

I know it's been a while since I last updated. I haven't been doing much personal art lately, I've been catching up on some games mostly. I finally played through Fallout 2, which I've been meaning to do for years. Fantastic game, and I can't wait to see what Bethesda does with Fallout 3 (the teaser for which is coming tomorrow!). I know there are a lot of people skeptical of Bethesda taking on the license, but there's no other developer I'd trust with it as much as them.

I've also been playing Final Fantasy XII, which I'm enjoying. Art-wise, it's incredibly coherent and imaginative. The last few games in the series have been a little mish-mashy with the art style, but FFXII's is really well put together. Definitely the best art direction for the series since FFVI. As for the gameplay, I'm really excited they're experimenting more. I like the Gambit system, but I'm still not sold on the License Board.

I'm still working on some new Steampunk Star Wars stuff. I was working on one image (the one I posted a teaser of), but I started feeling like I was spinning my wheels with it. I kept working on it but it didn't feel like I was getting anywhere, so I put it aside for the time being and started a different character. I hope that one will be done pretty soon!

And just so I don't look like a total slacker, here's a picture I painted on the weekend!


Unknown said...

Interesting ... chicken... thing.

Is the skull actually part of its head or is it just an adornment?

Abraxas Z said...

Duuuuuuude, where the SW at?